Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back and better then ever!

Hello all

I know that you have been disappointed that I have not posted in awhile. Sorry about that! The combo of being super busy and super lazy make for no posting. So here is the recap:

Poker front. I suck!

Betty front. She is great! I went to meet her family in Texas and Arkansas. It was good. A little high pressure but it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle. We just celebrated six months together. It is cool that someone could put up with me for six months.

Life front. Everything here is good with no complaints! I'm going to golf at Chambers Bay this Saturday. I'm excited about that! The course should kick my ass on every hole. From the pictures it looks difficult. I will let you know it goes! Just purchased a futon for island house! So now I can have house guests!
Promise I will write again! I don't know when...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Going to my island...

I'm going to my island for the next couple of days. So everyone have a safe and happy Labor Day!

This is a view from the deck. In the tree in the center that is a bald eagle.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another 5th place finish but....

This time it was for some cash. Took 5th in the Mookie last night. I bounced out of the Mookie when I pushed my A3 off into LJ's (and her monster stack) AK. I lost and she got revenge for crippling her earlier in the tournament. So I'm happy that I actually made some cash for my top five finish this time. But I didn't play all that well.

Betty front: All is good. I'm going to her place tonight for dinner.

Knee front: Work well. I get my stitches out tomorrow.

Poker Front: Doing better then before. But not because of good play. Can you say LUCK BOX!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A hundred years ago this...

Would have been more acceptable....

I still think random beat downs to your colleagues would get more accomplished!

Still suck at poker. As it showed in last nights Skillz game! Finished 5th in the Skillz game. For no cash!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Working from home again!

Well my fringen knee was hurting bad this morning. So I decided to stay home and work. I know that most people would relish the chance at working from home but I'm just not a big fan! There so many things that I miss when I'm not there! Plus my boss is out of town. So there is that factor. I know that she does not mind me staying home. Because I do it so rarely. But I feel it is my duty to come to work.

Anyway my knee still hurts. Going to play in the Skillz game tonight. Omaha High/Low. So this is just a donation. My Omaha game is about as good as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. Sure I'm going to hit some but I will land on my ass doing so!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Post surgery... back to work

So today was my first day back to work after the surgery. I actually went in with no pain pills. Not that those pieces of shit do anything for me. So I came home early and worked from home. I'm cool with this but I would rather be at work or be at home. Not a big fan of the home office! So today there were only two of us out of six in my group. Well everyone had to come over and ask me how it went. So I have about three hours of work to do in 30 min. I tell them that I will tell them about it when I get done. I guess that is not an acceptable answer to some people. Anyway fast forward and I get my work done late. My boss has to catch a plane today. So I was late with all of my work and she had to receive it on her black berry. Now the one thing about black berries is that they don't display spreadsheets very well. So I put everything in a spreadsheet. Hope she does not catch on.

I know with all surgeries/illness it takes time to heal and get back to normal. This is not acceptable for me! My body better get in line soon. I want to do what I want to do! I know some people like to push their body but I like to push mine to the limit. Let me tell you this... My knee better start stepping it up soon or there will be hell to pay. On some related news. I have a nice little beer, nausea pill, and perky regiment going. It is working out nicely!

My people are free.. I am King again
King Lategreatjc

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I want to play too!!

1. What is your favorite word?

2. What is your least favorite word?

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Half the answer.

4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

5. What sound or noise do you love?
The crack of the bat when a HR is hit!

6. What sound or noise do you hate?
tie between Beep Beep Beep of the garbage truck or a leaf blower. I swear to god that one of these days I'm going to walk over to the old folk’s home and shove that blower up his ass!

7. What is your favorite curse word?
Son of a Fuck

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Wood working.

9. What profession would you not like to do?

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Who "f"ed upped and let this ass in here again? I mean you know we have to keep him now? Don't you remember the last time he was here? Where is Michael? Michael it was you wasn't it! Yeah I know it was you! I swear to mother Mary if you two get drunk again and take away free will.... I will break my boot off in one of you!

Or something like that!

Ding Dong the book is dead!!!!

Finally! I have finished the book. I don't think that I have been this challenged in a long time. This booked kicked my ass up and down the street. The book I'm talking about is "The Rise ok Theodore Roosevelt" by Edmund Morris. Now don't get me wrong. This is excellent book! The way that Morris brings out the minute details without boring you is great! But there were more words and phrases from the late 1800's and early 1900's then in all the books that I have read. The book is TR's life up to the point where he becomes president. I honestly didn't know much about the man before now. I mean I knew about the rough riders and San Juan Hill. But there is so much more that I didn't know about his early years. The book won the Pulitzer. Probable deservedly so. But I'm not the best judge in this area. This was the first book of three. The second book is "Theodore Rex" and the third has not been completed. I have the second book. In fact it is sitting right next to me! With Teddy's little eyes burrowing into my head. Saying read me! Read me! Do I really want to give up another 2-3 months of my life? There has got to be something more remedial around to read. Oh yes I have a copy of the Social Security reform code. Yeah that will do!

Betty front: Still great! She must be over looking my flaws. Because I know that she has seen them by now.

Knee front: All is well that can be expected.

Poker front: I suck and it shows! I have moved from A level status back to B level (my own rating)

My roommate on the other hand is a rock star! Big match today.

Until my people are free,

Friday, August 22, 2008

The day after yesterday.

Well the knee is doing well! I don't think the pain medicine is doing much though. I have a high tolerance for narcotics. Oh well what can a man do??? I guess I could take my pills with some whiskey. Yeah that sounds like a plan!

Still playing poker and doing it poorly. But slowly and surely I will get my bank roll back up!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Surgery was a success!

Well I got through the surgery! It all went well. My knee does hurt now but it is nothing to how bad it was yesterday. So I think that I will recover in do time!

Day before!

Hours before

Just after!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Surgery Eve!

I'm going to surgery tomorrow. It should not be a big deal. But I keep thinking about it. It will be cool! Yes I'm trying to post more! No real reason. Just want to become more of Ghey Blogger! Anyway just another day in paradise!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Time for a new post

It is time for me to come out of my shell and start posting more.

Ok about my life.

What is good:
  1. Betty is still with me. And for all of you that know me (small list I know) this is a miracle!
  2. I'm almost done with the Theodore Roosevelt book. This thing has been kicking my ass! But only 80 pages left. I mean I know this guy won the Pulitzer but I don't think that some of the words are English.
  3. Getting surgery on my knee on Thursday. Yes this is a good thing! It frigen hurts!

What is bad:

  1. I'm getting surgery on my knee on Thursday. Yes this is a bad thing! It will frigen hurt!
  2. I still live with Cayne. Ask him what is that smell!

Poker is going well! I can't remember the last time I had a win. Going to San Antonio and Fayetteville in September. I will meet Betty's Mom and Dad. I guess I could put this on my bad list!

Until next time


Saturday, May 17, 2008


Party tonight! Do I need to say anymore! I mean come on! Food, booze, and warm weather! If I can still type tomorrow I will let you know how it was.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

I don't have much to say.....

I just wanted to start posting. So here we go. My life right now in review.

1. I have started dating someone. She is awesome! I will tell you more about her in later posts.

2. My division was sold to a company in Memphis. So I may be moving again! Yeah great. So if they want me and it is a big if! I will be moving across the country again! I move more then a person in the military.

3. I recently went on a golf trip with some friends. It was cool. If you're a golfer I really recommend the Robert Trent Jones golf trail in Alabama. Yes I said Alabama. The weather was great! The golf was even better. We played 3 different courses 2 times each. The best of the 3 courses was the Fighting Joe. I liked the School Master the most though. In fact the Fighting Joe course could burn in flames as far as I'm concerned! But it was good times!

Well that's it for now!

Oh yeah poker. Well what can I say. I suck and it shows.

Finished 5Th in the skills game. That is the closest that I will see to a TOC seat.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bubble Bubble Bubble

I went out on the bubble last night. Two things make me mad about that. First is that I was trying to play a new style of game last night. This in it self is fine but I have not been playing much lately. So not so smart to trying that on your first tourny back in a about a month. The second thing is I should have dominated this thing. I knew some of them. Good sort. But I think that my game is a little more advanced. The two people that I knew would be trouble got knocked out early. I heard one of them say that he got sucked out on. No big surprise. That will not happen to me I said. I will be smart enough to sniff them out... Well FOUR straight suck outs later it was over! I was forced to push all in with A 3 of clubs. This was insta-called by 99. Which intern made me the bubble boy! One of the suck outs was particle wicked. I had JJ bet out pre and got one caller. Flop is QJ2 rainbow. I check. The caller puts in a large bet and I go all in. He calls with 10, 10. Then you will not believe what happens next. Runner Runner 10's to give him quads. Three more suck outs later and I'm pushing the above mentioned A3.

So it is Valentines Day and I'm dateless. It sucks on two counts one is that there are plenty of women that would like to go out tonight. They just don't want to go out with me! The second thing is that I have wanted to cook a meal for someone but I have no one to cook for. Unless you count Cayne and I don't!

Well let’s raise our glasses to good cards!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wish me luck! Because you know I don't have skill!

I'm going to the Muckleshoot tonight. I want to take down the baby knock out. I will let you know about my terrible play tomorrow! If I win you know that pulled out all my tricks. If I loose well then you know I tried to play it straight! FYI I'm going to Portland this weekend.... I need to win some money to pay for the trip!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

About last night!

I just want to start off by saying THANKS YOU to everyone who came last night. I had a great time! We had some really good play last night. Excluding myself of course. I played my usually style of play asshole/dick. I don't think it went over too well. We had great people, good food, good drinks, and some great play. And for some reason some really nice cars. I think both cars cost more than my house in Oklahoma! Anyway here is the break down from last night:

First match

1. Joshua
2. Cayne
Bubble Mrs. Chako

Second match

1. Matt
2. Andre
Bubble Mrs. Chako

Other then Matt the south side dominated both matches. Thanks again to everyone who came. I can't wait for the next one!
