Monday, August 25, 2008

Post surgery... back to work

So today was my first day back to work after the surgery. I actually went in with no pain pills. Not that those pieces of shit do anything for me. So I came home early and worked from home. I'm cool with this but I would rather be at work or be at home. Not a big fan of the home office! So today there were only two of us out of six in my group. Well everyone had to come over and ask me how it went. So I have about three hours of work to do in 30 min. I tell them that I will tell them about it when I get done. I guess that is not an acceptable answer to some people. Anyway fast forward and I get my work done late. My boss has to catch a plane today. So I was late with all of my work and she had to receive it on her black berry. Now the one thing about black berries is that they don't display spreadsheets very well. So I put everything in a spreadsheet. Hope she does not catch on.

I know with all surgeries/illness it takes time to heal and get back to normal. This is not acceptable for me! My body better get in line soon. I want to do what I want to do! I know some people like to push their body but I like to push mine to the limit. Let me tell you this... My knee better start stepping it up soon or there will be hell to pay. On some related news. I have a nice little beer, nausea pill, and perky regiment going. It is working out nicely!

My people are free.. I am King again
King Lategreatjc

1 comment:

RaisingCayne said...

You're a fucking schizo dude... did you just threaten your own self with physical violence!? At least the Wife's internal conflicts are between her and an alter ego, yours are just plain crazy.